Awaken Your Soul’s Guidance 


Your GPS Code™:

God/Source Positioning System on Cruise Control: Guidance, Solutions and Freedom God’s Way

Get access to Your GPS Code course with embedded audios and videos to reveal the secret code and guide you to activating Your GPS Code, plus a free month in the Awakening Awareness Mentorship with no auto billing commitment.

What will you learn

This is an Inter-dimensional Experience…


Everything you’re about read, hear, or experience in this space is true, even though it feels like fiction.

We are committed to your journey of Awakening, in your timing and your way with a myriad of options in wisdom courses and guided experiences.

Everyone has more power and abilities than we access easily.

As you awaken to listening to the wisdom of your heart and soul, the solutions to any problem become available to you.

In her first spiritual awakening (at 13 years old) Tianna heard these words that capture the essence of the GPS Code™:


Each Day,

Step by Step,

You’ll Be Shown The Way”


1 month free (no commintment, no CC required) in the Awakening Awareness Mentorship Mastermind!

Throughout the month you will receive in the Mentorship: 

  • Access to the sacred message in The GPS Code™ transcripts
  • Daily: Quantum Energy Transmission
  • Daily: Money Energy Reiki Master Transmission
  • Monthly Group Q&A Calls with Dr. Tianna and/or certified experts where questions are answered and insights are shared​
  • Twice-monthly Group Energy Transmission per intent
  • Access to Secret GPS Code Facebook Group

And in the Mastermind:

  • Direct access to Dr Tianna in the twice-monthly small group mentoring mastermind calls where you will have the opportunity to personally talk with Dr. Tianna to identify and release blocks and pain in your life.