Beloved Starsky, the Interdimensional Associate Dean.

In loving memory:

Our Angel in Furry Clothing: He brought Love and Life to our hearts and Light to the world.

Starsky Willie Yoda Conte Dubs

Sent from William to Tianna after his own passing to bring her back to the light and heal her heart so she could continue on the path of bringing Awakening to the world.

In doing so, Starsky has brought light and love to all of us, inspiring and insisting we all live our lives to the fullest.

Also, Starsky has sacredly embraces his role as the Associate Dean of the Awakening Awareness Academy to ensure that we all witness the truth that love never dies, and neither do we. 

In his journey to show is all that suffering is optional – emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially – he has brought us the Lifewave Patches.

His intention is that we may all  know the gifts of our soul that we uniquely bring and that will fulfill us and leave a lasting legacy, as he has.

We Love you Starsky, forever in our hearts.