The Awakening Awareness Academy
Enroll in Your Highest and Best Authentic Self for an Extraordinary Life.
Each Day
Step by Step
You’ll be Shown the Way
Words heard mystically that
shifted sacred wound
to spiritual awakening for
Dr. Tianna
Effortless access to your soul’s guidance
Locate and eliminate self sabotaging tendencies
Learn to stop forcing your way through life by working with the 5 gears of the GPS Code™
Receive daily energy transmission in areas that you are working through

“I found the ultimate secret and cosmic joke of the universe:
Picture a stretch limousine and you think you are the driver.
You are in the back seat, put your feet up, let the driver drive, and enjoy the ride!”
-Williams Parting Words
This quote hints at the secrets and shortcuts that the initiation delivers.
In the Ancient days, people would go to the temples for their Initiation into self mastery and awakening.
Today the Academy presents the Initiation through quantum consciousness available from the comforts of your own home.
Become your own VIP
for an extraordinary life:
The Quantum Leap: SoulPower
Freedom Initiation
Have you been on your spiritual path for a while and are looking to take your journey to the next level NOW?
Today is the day you commit to your own personal dedication to becoming the highest and best version of who you know you truly were born to be.
You are a powerful spiritual being meant for more greatness and fufillment beyond your limited perceptions.
The Quantum Leap Experience includes all three of the immersive phases of the full SoulPower Initiation outlined below.
As a bonus you will receive the primary Awaken Your SoulPower Experience ($555 value) as our gift.
The Awakening
Welcome to 'Driver's Ed' - Fasten Your Seat Belt!A certified mentor will facilitate a group retreat so that you can experience specialized training with implimentation of the secret code.
The Attunement
Turn on the Ignition - 5th Frequency Light transmission!Your mentor will run energy transmission. This includes listening to the 5th frequency infused audio of the code for a deeper level of assimilation.
The Activation
Congratulations - You are in the Driver's Seat Now!Your mentor will be in the “passenger” seat as you enjoy practicing your understanding of the code and your ability to run it for yourself.
Ongoing Support and Community
The Quantum Light & Leverage Lounge
- Daily: Remote Quantum Energy Transmission per your monthly desire through Dr. Tianna
- Monthly: Remote group Money Reiki Energy Transmission through Dr. Tianna
- Monthly: Remote Holy Fire™ Reiki Energy Transmission through Dr. Tianna and/or certified SoulPower mentors.
- Monthly business coaching module of your choice delivered in the app (email delievery optional)
- Monthly: Live on Zoom group gathering w/ Jessa and/or guest speakers.
- Monthly: Live on Zoom group gatherings w/ Dr. Tianna and/or certified SoulPower Mentors where questions are answered and insights are shared
- Access to Secret Light & Leverage Lounge Facebook Group
VIP Mastermind
- By Invitation Only
- All that is included w/ the Quantum L & L Lounge
- Intimate groups of maximum 6 people
- A GPS Code™ proxy session w/ Dr. Tianna
- A customized business and technology progam from Jessa
P.A.C.E. yourself to know when you are aligned with your
true authentic self and soul blueprint –
rather than the conditioned self and the
pain, powerlessness, and fear that you experience daily.
My Promise to You
You have it within you to set yourself free from exhaustive struggle and suffering – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
Ask me how I know. LOL I had the near-death experience that I affectionately call “an Initiation into Awakening.“
I heard this message: “Problems, challenges and pain are an inevitable part of life… Suffering is optional.”
What the h*ll did that mean?! This led me on a quest to understand the message I’d been given.
I’m ready to pass it on to you for your self-mastery and soul-alignment with grace and ease.
“I see her greatest gift as the ability to see beyond where each of us can go into each of our soul’s. She is a conduit or mirror of each person’s soul’s desires allowing us to see ourselves when we are with her. The gift she now offers us is this same ability for each of us to have our own internal conversation with our own souls through the GPS code.
Her newly founded Academy of Awakening Awareness is a resource where her gifts can be shared. It provides basic lessons and tools for each of us to guide us into the light (our light) so that we might live more fully into our essential selves.”
“Tianna is highly committed to helping you find your own journey and access your highest and most divine best self . . . find peace and forgiveness and seek and find answers within yourself . . . and move through divine inspiration from within in the direction of your next steps.”
“Tianne Conte and her GPS system are awesome! For years, I’ve had ghost-like pains in my heart that came and went. In just two sessions, those pains were gone and have not returned. I can’t thank you enough for this fabulous transformation.”