An exclusive invitation to reveal a long held secret code that aligns you with your soul’s blueprint.
The Awaken Your Soul’s Guidance Course is a spiritually transmitted system that empowers you to dissolve self imposed limitations:

– belief systems that disempower you
– traumatic wounds that keep you powerless
– mind chatter that keeps you stuck
– reactive emotions that keep you trapped in low frequency living.

Your GPS Code™ Course: God/Source Positioning System on Cruise Control: Guidance, Solutions and Freedom God’s Way

Get access to Your GPS Code course with embedded audios and videos to reveal the secret code and guide you to activating Your GPS Code, plus a free month in the Awakening Awareness Mentorship and Mastermind that include energy transmission to catalyze your intentions … no auto billing commitment. (a $277 value!)

Deep dive 30 days and experience how your life transforms.